United we stand and divided we fall. It is the first time that the whole world has agreed upon something keeping aside our petty issues. Climate deal has been sealed at Bali. December 15th 2007 will go down as a memorable day in the planet’s history where we stood up to save our history! Al Gore’s vendetta against America and its president did bore fruits. Al Gore, the former US Vice-President, launched a very public attack on Washington blaming American officials for the failure of United Nations climate change conference. The United States had refused to sign up to emissions targets as the Bali conference on global warming earlier. Mr. Gore, who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize earlier this year for his work on climate change, was clear in his denunciation of President Bush’s attitude. America refused the proposal of EU and Brazil to cut greenhouse gases produced by industrialized countries by up to two fifths in the next 13 years. The emissions cut would have been non-binding and subject to future negotiation, but even this was too much for the US, which opposes any reference to specific numerical goals in advance of more detailed negotiations next year.
"I am going to speak an inconvenient truth: my own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali," – Al Gore.
When journalist quizzed James Connaughton, the leader of the American delegation about America's lack of leadership on global warming, he claimed the real problem was simply that other nations were disagreeing too much with America. "We are leading and we will continue to lead but that requires the rest of the world to fall in line and follow,"… [Nobody follows them and they consider themselves leaders….bullshit]. All that Gore is worried about is the pace at which things are happening. If leaders of this planet don’t take decision soon then it may be too late. But finally it’s over. US have finally agreed to reduce emissions.
20 Predicted effects of Global Warming
- Melting Polar Ice Caps
- Rising Sea Levels
- Receding Glaciers
- Decreased Snow Pack
- Water Shortages
- Drought
- Heat Waves
- Cultures threatened
- Populations at risk
- Economic devastation
- Changes in weather patterns and severity of storms
- Loss of islands and coastal land
- Increased flooding
- Species extinction
- Changes in ocean currents
- Increase in diseases and there ranges
- Shorter growing seasons
- Changes in forests
- Loss of ecosystems
- Loss of biodiversity
Know more about Climate Change
Related Articles: Black Hawk Down – I
Black Hawk Down – II
Global Warming – How big a concern
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