Education today is merely a displacement device, people are nomads once again. The number of Institution which can develop curiosity for knowledge and passion for innovation is marginal. Youth get secondary education in towns and are left with very less of choice but to leave for bigger cities. The higher education which they get mostly turn them into small nut and bolts which can only befit a big machine without any entrepreneurial value of its own. The higher education almost makes sure that they never return back to there native place. All the money, time and resource which a small town or village has spent on its human resource invariable never returns back to it, on the other hand it increases concentration of human being in bigger cities. The suburbs keep on expanding with more people coming in to be like there once similar now relatively rich cousins. The synonyms for cities now are concrete jungles and tickling bomb. The need of resources required by such high concentration of humans is creating an ecological disaster. The basic amenities like water is depleting and technological solutions and mindless planning is making situation worst.
Md.Younus, the Nobel prize winner and founder of Grameen Bank has explained in economic terms, “ The human destruction caused by pollution also takes an economic toll. Premature deaths, Hospital stays and doctor visits, days missed from work, and the expense involved in trying to remedy environment problems (which are much cheaper to prevent in first place), all add up to a tremendous drain on the economy.
Perhaps we are trusting technology for more than the job it is meant for. We are cutting trees for houses and malls and then are fitting those malls with air conditioners for cooling. The basic fact that we cannot survive without trees is completely being ignored by us in quest for better life. Runways, expressways and flyovers are great but watching old aged and children struggling to cross the road is not unusual. We have made the most natural act of walking across, a nightmare. In the words of Eduardo Galeano, ' In their rush to the funeral, they (we) are burying the wrong corpse'.
On the contrary there are people who want to leave in sync with nature. They have served there flora and fauna. Nature has responded with making there land fertile and earth filled with minerals. These people don't exploit the gift but worship them. We today are trying our best to displace there population, to snatch there land, to dig out the last piece of ore which is there in there piece of earth. We are all on to kill the aborigine population.
The United Nations Human Development Report (1996), identified five types of distortions or imbalances that can come to afflict the process of economic growth anywhere: jobless growth, ruthless growth, voiceless growth, rootless growth and futureless growth. We are justifying the report.
These people share the same world with us but are very unadulterated, they fail to understand our logic of growth which anyways is very illogical. Is is fair enough to displace people in the name of growth or have we failed to evolve a growth model which is natural. Is Industrialization the only way and how much of it.
Maslov, the psychologist proposed need hierarchy theory which starts with physiological needs like hunger and thirst, proceeds to safety need like security and goes upto need for self development and realization - which he termed as Self actualization.
Today we are living most unsecured and uncertain life. The land for agriculture is shrinking, the fertility of land is losing, the water levels are going down, with less of trees the soil erosion is increasing. We might soon see ourselves at the bottom of Maslov's hierarchy struggling once again with hunger and thirst. The growth we are about to achieve will be leave us with all nuts and bolts to eat.
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