Sunday, November 28, 2010
Confidence Rejuvenation
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11:34 AM
Labels: confidence, enthusiastic personality, expression, M.P.Singh, zeal
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Imperialism to Naxalism
Speaking from the Colonial point of view there is a striking similarity between colonizing a country in those days and acquiring a company in these days. While making a acquisition these days all companies need is a controlling stake. The controlling stake obviously comes from buying fat board members or agency which are few in numbers. Once it is done the fate of stakeholders are left to be decided…Of course with lot of ifs/buts/unions/laws/policies in between.
When East India Company came all they had to do was buy or please upper strata – to say Nawabs, Nizams, Kings. Once they agreed or sometimes subjugated, the fate of citizens was left to be decided.
From the Era of defunct Nawabs & Nizams power drifted to upper middle class Browns and Eurasians. These people were Indians but not in there thought process and up bring. These people were not former rulers but people either born or brought up in English Style. They loved eating, dressing and speaking English. They send there sons to Trinity and oxfords of England and the sons came back to become administrators of Her Majesty’s govt. (The lower class in any case was not much affected; actually British gave them a stage to showcase their woes).There was no unified Leadership, such was the situation that when Pandit Nehru came back after completing his degree form Trinity he was afraid of Public Speaking, partially because he was shy and mostly because he wasn’t sure the masses will cope up with his English English.
Gandhiji after his return from South Africa and his Indian Victory in Champaran was the first leader to connect with masses, the village masses (Kisans), which was huge. Gandhiji was believable and people followed. He was not discussing policies in committees with Intelligentsia but was going to villages. He knew the power of public opinion and wanted masses to have and give their opinion in shaping India of future.
To give his struggle and masses strong reason to unite, Gandhiji brought back concept of “Ram Rajya” so that Hindus can be united for a common cause. He partly succeeded, Hindus were in majority. But Untouchablity was something which again was not allowing masses in village to participate as equals. The upper class Hindus would not fight or participate with them; they will protect their heavens rather than fight for earthly freedom.
To fight this menace and uplift the self esteem of trodden, Gandhiji called them “Harijan”- Son of God.
By the way Mr. Jinnah was a secular Muslim and one reason why he drifted away from Gandhiji was because he wasn’t of the opinion of mixing politics and religion like Gandhiji was doing.
Harijan proved good for all parties and parasites. Mr. Jinnah got Pakistan, Harijan got acceptability, to an extent and the duo of Kanshi Ram and Mayawati got Utter Pradesh…though much latter.
Back to our times, when all these struggles were going on there was one more aspect to India which was completely forgotten. The Tribal India, the aborigine India. Tribals were mostly secluded from the Indian Politics. By tribal I don’t mean Shibu Soren, but real people.
There was a leadership gap just like Pre Independent Indian once had. May be we need to wait for another someone from Africa who will connect the gap, for the time being Naxals are feeling the gap, though in a Chinese way. Coming to Corporate India, shouldn’t they get all those carbon credit points?
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4:05 PM
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Nuts & Bolts
Education today is merely a displacement device, people are nomads once again. The number of Institution which can develop curiosity for knowledge and passion for innovation is marginal. Youth get secondary education in towns and are left with very less of choice but to leave for bigger cities. The higher education which they get mostly turn them into small nut and bolts which can only befit a big machine without any entrepreneurial value of its own. The higher education almost makes sure that they never return back to there native place. All the money, time and resource which a small town or village has spent on its human resource invariable never returns back to it, on the other hand it increases concentration of human being in bigger cities. The suburbs keep on expanding with more people coming in to be like there once similar now relatively rich cousins. The synonyms for cities now are concrete jungles and tickling bomb. The need of resources required by such high concentration of humans is creating an ecological disaster. The basic amenities like water is depleting and technological solutions and mindless planning is making situation worst.
Md.Younus, the Nobel prize winner and founder of Grameen Bank has explained in economic terms, “ The human destruction caused by pollution also takes an economic toll. Premature deaths, Hospital stays and doctor visits, days missed from work, and the expense involved in trying to remedy environment problems (which are much cheaper to prevent in first place), all add up to a tremendous drain on the economy.
Perhaps we are trusting technology for more than the job it is meant for. We are cutting trees for houses and malls and then are fitting those malls with air conditioners for cooling. The basic fact that we cannot survive without trees is completely being ignored by us in quest for better life. Runways, expressways and flyovers are great but watching old aged and children struggling to cross the road is not unusual. We have made the most natural act of walking across, a nightmare. In the words of Eduardo Galeano, ' In their rush to the funeral, they (we) are burying the wrong corpse'.
On the contrary there are people who want to leave in sync with nature. They have served there flora and fauna. Nature has responded with making there land fertile and earth filled with minerals. These people don't exploit the gift but worship them. We today are trying our best to displace there population, to snatch there land, to dig out the last piece of ore which is there in there piece of earth. We are all on to kill the aborigine population.
The United Nations Human Development Report (1996), identified five types of distortions or imbalances that can come to afflict the process of economic growth anywhere: jobless growth, ruthless growth, voiceless growth, rootless growth and futureless growth. We are justifying the report.
These people share the same world with us but are very unadulterated, they fail to understand our logic of growth which anyways is very illogical. Is is fair enough to displace people in the name of growth or have we failed to evolve a growth model which is natural. Is Industrialization the only way and how much of it.
Maslov, the psychologist proposed need hierarchy theory which starts with physiological needs like hunger and thirst, proceeds to safety need like security and goes upto need for self development and realization - which he termed as Self actualization.
Today we are living most unsecured and uncertain life. The land for agriculture is shrinking, the fertility of land is losing, the water levels are going down, with less of trees the soil erosion is increasing. We might soon see ourselves at the bottom of Maslov's hierarchy struggling once again with hunger and thirst. The growth we are about to achieve will be leave us with all nuts and bolts to eat.
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7:36 PM
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Only two years back, I was behind the table and now in front of the table. Here I can acknowledge the superficial gap between both the cases. Veteran Mr. Amir Khan has well depicted various aspects of our life in his latest movie “3 IDIOTS” which are really untouched either due to our negligence or because of our parental pressure for defined set of studies i.e. “engineering, management or medical”. Fascinating professional courses i.e. B.Tech, MBA, MBBS etc are presumed to be above normal courses and can create various opportunities in life. That’s true upto large extent because it’s a shortest platform for corporate world and huge money.
In the melo drama of “3 IDIOTS” there were various instances which showed a tussle between student and professor and their attitude where the thought process of an individual (Mr. Ranchor das chachar ) and other students and faculty was perfectly pole apart.
In our education, we do our graduation on our family terms and conditions and post graduation on the basis of appealing market situations. Here, the concern is not about our education but about our passion, desire, willingness and happiness.
There is only one question to all of us- are we satisfied with our job role and workdone.
SHORT STORY: An individual who did B.Tech, MBA from one reputed college, everybody had expectation of some fascinating job with huge package and happened similar but wont worked out for long because it was not his cup of tea. That job didn’t suited him for long and in between he got an opportunity for guest lecture in one of the B school in Bangalore.
That day only, life took some strange decision and he left his job and decided to work for education sector as professor in B school as “lecturer”.
Here the theme comes that “Either you love what you do or you do what you love”. In former case, One is bound to work and bound to love his work because that’s his/her bread butter but may be he is not really enjoying. In later case, one is not working, he is enjoying his work as hobby and hobby is something which one always wishes do because it is his passion or love.
Today he is the happiest one and enjoying his life…….
That one individual is me and I am Ranchor das chachar, I am Raju rastogi, & I am farhan Qureshi.